"http://www.gnu.org/software/sed" . "http://ws04.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/#corpus_processing.sed_row" . "http://ws04.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/services/corpus_processing.sed" . . "ThIs Is jUst A sAmplE tExt fOr tEstIng pUrpOsEs. WE ArE gOIng tO chAngE vOwEls tO UppErcAsE."^^ . . . . "This is just a sample text for testing purposes. We are going to change vowels to uppercase."^^ . . "iulatrl@upf.edu" . . "Stream editor Web Service (sed)" . "Stream editor Web Service" . "http://ws04.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/services/corpus_processing.sed?wsdl" . . . "Language Independent" . "This WS performs basic text transformations on an input text. The serveice is based on the 'sed' progam, a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language." . "y/aeiou/AEIOU/"^^ . .