"P clue/ lexical class computer Web Service" . . "http://ws03.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/services/statistics_analysis.compute_p_cue_class" . . "http://ws03.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/#statistics_analysis.compute_p_cue_class_row" . . "P clue/ lexical class computer Web Service" . . . . "iulatrl@upf.edu" . . . "http://ws03.iula.upf.edu/soaplab2-axis/services/statistics_analysis.compute_p_cue_class?wsdl" . "Language Independent" . "This WS calculates the probability of seeing a linguistic cue given a lexical class (P(cue|class) value). This probability is computed given the occurrences of cues in a corpus (codified in the signatures file) and the information of belonging or not belonging of these words to different classes (codified in indicators file). The probability is computed for each studied cue in the signatures file and for each class in the indicators file." .