. . "Has current version" . . . "This resource has a more specific, versioned resource with equivalent content.\n\nThis property is intended for relating a non-versioned or abstract resource to a single snapshot that can be used as a permalink to indicate the current version of the content.\n\nFor instance, if today is 2013-12-25, then a News page can indicate a corresponding snapshot resource which will refer to the news as they were of 2013-12-25.\n\n pav:hasCurrentVersion .\n\n\"Equivalent content\" is a loose definition, for instance the snapshot resource might include additional information to indicate it is a snapshot, and is not required to be immutable.\n\nOther versioned resources indicating the content at earlier times MAY be indicated with the superproperty pav:hasVersion, one of which MAY be related to the current version using pav:hasCurrentVersion:\n\n pav:previousVersion .\n pav:hasVersion .\n\nNote that it might be confusing to also indicate pav:previousVersion from a resource that has hasCurrentVersion relations, as such a resource is intended to be a long-living \"unversioned\" resource. The PAV ontology does however not formally restrict this, to cater for more complex scenarios with multiple abstraction levels.\n\nSimilarly, it would normally be incorrect to indicate a pav:hasCurrentVersion from an older version; instead the current version would be found by finding the non-versioned resource that the particular resource is a version of, and then its current version.\n\nThis property is normally used in a functional way, although PAV does not formally restrict this." .