"Artefatto fisico" . . . _:vb940961 . "Physical artifact" . . "Any PhysicalObject that isDescribedBy a Plan .\nThis axiomatization is weak, but allows to talk of artifacts in a very general sense, i.e. including recycled objects, objects with an intentional functional change, natural objects that are given a certain function, even though they are not modified or structurally designed, etc. PhysicalArtifact(s) are not considered disjoint from PhysicalBody(s), in order to allow a dual classification when needed. E.g.,\nFunctionalSubstance(s) are included here as well.\nImmaterial (non-physical) artifacts (e.g. texts, ideas, cultural movements, corporations, communities, etc. can be modelled as social objects (see SocialObject), which are all 'artifactual' in the weak sense assumed here."^^ . .